The Sextant

Run by students, written by students, for the students, The Sextant is the student run newspaper of Sexton Campus. The Sextant Publishing Society is the student governing body of the newspaper who’s goal is to showcase the academic and co-curricular opportunities and accomplishments on and of pertaining to Sexton Campus and its members.

The Sextant

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The Sextant 〰 📰 ຊ🖋️ 〰

read online here and now!!!

Read more on the constitution of The Sextant Publishing Society here:

sextant socials

Instagram - @dalhousiesextant

Facebook - @dalsextant

Twitter - @dalsextant


how do I write an article for the sextant?

Write an article of approximately 250-500 words about a topic of your choice and submit it to the Sextant Writer Application form.


what should i write about?

You can choose any topic you wish to write about, but here are some suggestions to get you started!

  • What impacts have AI had on your engineering education already and how will it influence the job market in the future?

  • Why is equity an important consideration in engineering ethics and how can you practice inclusivity in the eng profession?

  • What has your society, club or design team accomplished? What did you gain from the experience and what would you have changed?

  • Why having a personal conversation in G109 is a dangerous mission due to the acoustics?

  • Why do the floors of the B and D building not line up? Someone definitely left their calculator in radians.

  • Why are the locker rooms at Sexton Gym on a locked.random() function? Their state is never predictable; someone must’ve missed a class.

  • How do the architecture and planning students feel about Sexton being the “Eng Campus”?

  • Why the only solution to this is to hit up Freddie’s and then put in a shift at the Sexton lib? Grind through it.

  • One morning each week there are bagels in the Emera Building lobby, how long is the longest you would wait in line for a bagel?